Unlike ODBC and DSN, SQLAlchemy is a Python library for working with databases. It uses a database URL, a single string containing all the valuable information needed to connect to a database. Variables usually needed to connect to a database include server name, username, password, and database name (all in string format).
First, create a .env file with all of our sensitive information.
Example .env file:
login = "username" password "1235" dbname = "postgres" host = "hostnameURL" port = "5432"
Let’s call in the given database credentials with SQLAlchemy:
Import Libraries:
from sqlalchemy import create_engine import pandas as pd import os as os from dotenv import load_dotenv load_dotenv(".env")
Load Credentials:
user = os.environ['login'] password = os.environ['password'] dbname = os.environ['dbname'] host = os.environ['host'] port = os.environ['port']
Create SQL Engine:
engine = create_engine( ( f"postgresql://{user}:" f"{password}" f"@{host}:{port}/{dbname}" ) ) connection = engine.connect() pd.read_sql_query(SELECT * FROM krabby_patty_formula, connection)
We are now able to connect and access our remote database. So, we can access any schemas or table from our database such as the krabby_patty_formula above by using SQL Alchemy and Python.